We have made the difference for tens of thousands of candidates around the globe, and the testimonials underneath will help you understand what we have done to achieve high ratings among all the finance-prep providers worldwide. Get a glimpse of what others have experienced at FinTree through their reviews!
1001 reviews on
laxmi kumari
Fintree is the powerhouse and knowledge hub for CFA coaching.This place works as a catalyst for the one with the non finance background to get ahead in finance with the clear understanding of every concepts.A personalised approach to every student and keeping them motivated throughout the course are worth mentioning.The live sessions videos and valuable resources are highly informative and insightful.
The mentor Utkarsh sir is the GURU of finance.His extraordinary efforts and unique way to teach the nuances simplifying the complicated concepts of finance is worth every penny of investment.His impeccable and conventional way of teaching makes the live sessions more interesting.Not to forget other staffs Vaibhav who is very helpful and extend all kind of support to the student.Fintree has become the turning point in my life.
Read more Bob Ceulemans, MD, CFA-Candidate
During the COVID pandemic I saw the opportunities in the stock market and got interested in finance. I began reading many books of Ben Graham, Phill Fisher, Joël Greenblatt and Peter Lynch and during this process I discovered the FinTree videos on YouTube. The professor in those videos is Mr. Utkarsh Jain, who is in my opinion an extraordinary good teacher! He can explain many complicated subjects on finance in simple language and with a few impressive drawings (I'm not saying he has extraordinary drawing skills also 😉 ) that makes understanding this material so much easier. In order to enforce myself in learning and develop discipline I enrolled for the CFA exam and the FinTree CFA Level I course. Not a second I regret choosing FinTree. I live in Belgium and participate every week in the live classroom sessions which are very professionally organized. I don't care get out of bed to welcome Utkarsh and my fellow candidates at 4:30 am to participate actively in the Zoom sessions. I recommend FinTree to all the candidates who are considering to enroll for the CFA exam. With FinTree you are one step ahead in succeeding your goals!
Read more Souvick Bhaduri
It doesn't matter if you have a finance background or not, Fintree makes it easier to learn. Lectures of Utkarsh...
Niranjan Mujumdar
A good coach can create wonders in your life. Thanks to Utkarsh Sir & Team for helping me to clear...

Swati Mondal
If you are up for CFA... then enrolling in Fintree would be the best bid! My experience with Fintree has...


Jyothika Nair
One place where every intricate detail about the CFA Curriculum is covered efficiently. Personal guidance given to every student enrolled...


Nakul Thakare
I joined Fintree for Level 1 crash course and full time for Level 2 and 3. I cleared Level 3...
